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The Kananga Village Development Committee

The Kananga Village Development Committee (CDK) is the body in charge of implementing the vision of modernizing this locality. By modernization, it is a question of linking Kananga to the infrastructures and technologies that will make it a place par excellence of full development.

Created in the early 1980s, the grassroots CDK is the aspiration of men and women who, with extremely limited means, believed in a better future. Composed at the time of real resourceful people and many professionals from small trades, Kananga was able to transcend and score points in an environment that was not the most favorable. This is how in 1988, using entirely its own funds, the Kananga village will build and equip what is then proudly called a “health hut”. The work is still visible, although it is dilapidated in places. Kananga will also be keen, always on own funding, to train a local son in nursing sciences. For twenty years, the Kananga health hut will be the first resort for many cases of illness.

In homage and recognition of this first vision materialized by the parents, the current generation, better armed, wishes to carry even higher the torch bequeathed.

Now endowed with multiple and multifaceted intelligences in fields that are more varied than the others, Kananga can pride itself on having a good respondent in terms of qualified human resources. It is about honoring the memory of the bearers of Kananga’s development vision.

The legalization of this association by the administration in 2014 was part of the commitment to go even further in the materialization of a new Kananga.

In the wake of this revived noble ambition, in 2020, the Kananga sons and daughters mobilized greatly to counter the Covid-19 pandemic by initiating an awareness campaign, coupled with the distribution of hygiene kits to village populations. In the process, the construction project of three boreholes was started and successfully completed during the first half of 2021.

These two transactions, carried out with their own funds, give Kananga natives more daring. It is an imperative duty to positively impact the generations to come.

In the name of our predecessors!